Hope Through Learning Award

The Hope Through Learning Award is a $2,500 award available to youth aged 24 and under residing in Allegheny County who are experiencing or have experienced homelessness during their school attendance years, and who are going on to a higher education or career training program for the first time. Homelessness is defined as lacking a fixed, regular, and adequate night-time residence, and includes students living in a shelter, car, motel, doubled-up situation, or places not meant for human habitation. Recipients can use their award for tuition, school-related expenses such as books or a computer, or living expenses, such as transportation, child care, or housing.

The 2025 application is now open!

high school graduates received the Hope Through Learning Award in 2024
students received a second, third, or fourth year Hope Through Learning Award in 2024
students received the Dr. Joseph Lagana Perseverance Award in 2024, for successfully completing their post-secondary education journey
dollars disseminated through scholarships in 2024

How To Apply:


  • Experiencing or has experienced homelessness during school attendance years. Homelessness is defined as lacking a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, and includes students living in a shelter, car, motel, doubled-up in someone else’s home, or places not meant for human habitation, or lacking permanent housing.
  • Currently residing in Allegheny County
  • 24 years of age or younger
  • Accepted into a post-secondary education or career program (e.g. college, university, community college, business school, technical school, vocational school, career training, internship, apprenticeship) for the first time, and are scheduled to begin classes/training before the end of 2025
  • High school graduate, GED recipient, or due to complete secondary education at the end of the 2024-25 school year


  • Click the “Apply Here” button below.
  • On the application, click the “Begin” button.
  • Create an account and complete your application.
  • All questions and attachments must be submitted for your application to be complete.
  • The deadline to apply is April 17, 2025.

What Awardees Are Saying:

"The award has helped me to not only stay motivated, but hopeful for my future by supporting me and allowing me to continue to further my education."
"This award gives me another way of income to support my dream and allow me to be able to attend my dream school. I appreciate this award, and everyone involved in giving me a chance to receive this award because it has made me feel like other people believed in me and my dream."
"The award to me means believing in my potential to become successful, giving me the opportunity to showcase my true academic ability, proving not only to myself, that I can become successful, but to others who have faith in my capabilities."
"This award represents a clean slate for me. While I have already graduated, this award allows me to pay off my balance with college to get my degree. This award enables me to start my future, and achieve my goals."

More assistance

Looking for more resources and tips?  Check out our resource page for higher education and career resources.

For more information, email Cherelle Hogan, Teen Outreach Coordinator, at chogan@homelessfund.org.